Life Is a Mystery…

Life is a Mystery…                                                                                                                                        We only have one time on earth to live and to…


DO–activities, hobbies, work, and service;

Be–who we are, what we can be, and our spiritual self;

Experience–sights, tastes, smells, touch, sounds, and movement;

Love–self, family, and others…

Life is a Mystery…                                                                                                                                        May we live, do, be, experience, and love to make the most of our time–                                                                                                                                                                   Today!

10 Replies to “Life Is a Mystery…”

  1. Jonri, I’d love to add your ideas from this post to a post that I’m going to update…about “weaving our tomorrows out of our todays…” ….your ideas in this post help to show some steps for doing that… (I’ve already added a screen capture of your ideas to a “page”, for my own use…but would like to do that in the blog too..) And of course, the weaving aspect is nice too…. : ) .My post, from a few months ago, is at
    I was going to email you to ask, but couldn’t figure out how to do that. It’s fine if you’d rather not have that in there… just let me know,okay? kathy


  2. Kathy, I don’t mind you linking and quoting from this post, as long as you cite the source….thanks for your interest. Email can be sent by clicking on the “Contact Me” button above (along the bar). I like your thought of weaving our futures from our todays….joni


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