Nature’s Winter Art

Inspirations are found at times, such as during long walks through a garden, strolls along the beach at sunrise, or sightseeing on a trip to another state, or country! ~~~

A Swim in Winter…

Recently on a sunny, slightly warmer winter’s day, I took a break and got outside~~walking by the ice covered Duck Pond! These times experiencing the wonders of nature are part of the creative process…time to “see“…to think…to imagine…to experience new things…and

Ice designs on the Lily Pond…



Waterfall ice sculpture…
Design from Motion…

…to witness the art that Nature creates with the materials on hand!

Creativity IDEA!~~Take inspiration from Nature and create something this week from what is currently around you. For example, make a meal with only the ingredients you currently have in your kitchen and pantry! Or, think of things you can do, within your current situation, to create new solutions or possibilities in your work or business…or as a parent with your children.

Can you think of other ways that Nature’s artistic flair might inspire you?   🙂


October Sights~~Halloween Frights!

It’s October~~Autumn~~and of course Halloween is right around the corner!

Here is a favorite art quilt of mine that I use to decorate & add to the Halloween Fun!

Halloween Fun!

(While I created this, the design is not an original. It’s an early piece, following a pattern many years ago!)

Our Past Weekend…Why We “Relay”?

A Shout-out to all the students at Virginia Tech who organized and participated in this year’s Relay For Life, 2018! Each year they do an amazing job~~Including a wonderful Survivor’s Banquet honoring cancer Survivors and their Caregivers.

Find a Cure!~VT Relay for Life

We “Relay” each year in Honor and Memory of several family & friends who have been touched by cancer….

VT Relay for Life 2018, Illuminaries

The American Cancer Society supports individuals and families dealing with the cancer experience. One of their goals is to give…

HOPE for a CURE!

Spring has arrived, inspiring us with wonderful vibrant colors….Hope, Renewal, Life!

A Pot of Spring Purple!