Lifeweavings: A Creative Journey

Today I am beginning this new blog…It’s good to have you here to begin this journey with me!

I believe we are all weaving our own individual lives as we meet the challenges and joys of

Transitions#3:Lifeweaving #1, (c)2006JoniBeach
Transitions#3: Lifeweaving #1. (c) 2006 Joni Beach.

each and every day. Whether we are artists by trade or of life, creative problem-solving is a helpful tool. In our complex times, simple answers and solutions are not always available and exploring many possibilities is required.

For example, in artistic endeavors a craftsperson takes the tools of their trade and experiments with materials, improvises with techniques, and plays around with many different ideas. It is not always easy to explore multiple options because change is not always what we prefer. Our comfort many times lies in the familiar and our impatience may tend to settle with the first answer we find.

In this piece, fabric appears to be woven and quilted together. The colors represent the stages of life I have so far experienced, beginning with blue for infancy through purple–middle-age. The black symbolizes the life challenges and struggles we face daily, which in turn contributes to our strengths…

11 Replies to “Lifeweavings: A Creative Journey”

  1. the colors, as always, grab me – your imagination for putting things together is amazing to soeone like me who doesn’t do the creative thing the way you do!


  2. Congratulations, Joni. I joined the blog revolution a month or so ago, so I know how much it takes to kick start this journey. Keep it up.


  3. Life is easier when we keep things the same but when we move out to new things we see the beauty of the world around us from a different perspective.


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