*Snowflakes~No Two Just Alike

Last night we saw our first big, flaky snowflakes of the winter…very steadily, for about five minutes! Just long enough to reminds us that winter is really on its way to the mountains.

English: Snow flakes by Wilson Bentley. Bentle...
Snow flakes by Wilson Bentley, 1902. Image via Wikipedia

They say that no two snowflakes are just alike. Now, how anyone would know that, I don’t know…But regardless, I believe this is true. For something so tiny and delicate, the snowflake designs they leave on a frosty window reveals their unique beauty.

Of course, people, who hold so much in common, are also uniquely different–no two human beings are just alike. (Though identical twins come very close!) It is this uniqueness that reveals the importance and value of each person…    

For everyone leaves their human design on the days of life…

        revealing their unique beauty.                                           

8 Replies to “*Snowflakes~No Two Just Alike”

  1. Wonderful choice of graphics posted here, by Wilson Bentley, 1902. (Wow). So refreshing to be reminded of how much we are all individuals. Thank you. We had our first snowfall (none of which stuck) all morning here on Wednesday, December 7,2011, in NW Alabama. It was beautiful and softened the harsh edges of emerging holiday rushees!


    1. It won’t let me view it. 😦 I’ll try again later. (I tried twice.)What are my resolutions? Become heatehilr start a business craft more cook more try again and again and again for a baby finally just adopt reduce the quantity of crap I own by 75% improve the quality of what I own by 75% ..I expect so much from me, huh? LOLActually, I hope to begin a new project in the next couple days that I am referring to my 52 Week Wardrobe. I haven’t decided if I will add it as part of Henthorne Handmade, or if I will make it it’s own blog. I want to replace my entire wardrobe by the end of the year with handmade and refashioned items.[]


  2. I’ve asked that question too… and apparently scientists have a way of framing the flake and seeing its shape… Still remarkable that they are so distinct. 🙂


  3. You’re right…this morning as we drove from the house our car windows were frosted with ice crystals that were lacy and quite delicate looking…very beautiful.


  4. Lovely images of snowflakes. We used to cut out snowflakes, using a basic pattern and trying to make each one different. We taped them to the family room walls at Christmas and it was so beautiful.


  5. In one of the “Related Posts”, Michele talks about making original snowflakes and putting them up like you describe! As kids we also made them and it seemed so “magical” to see the results…


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